

I took TOEIC today at YMCA Kumamoto. It was my second time to take this test. Last time, I got 780 so this time I hope I will get better than that. My particular goal is to reach 800 even though I'm not sure if I did good enough to get 800 this time.
It was hard and long as I expected. I knew I was ready but it still requires a lot of concentration and energy. So now I'm very tired.
This time I applied for the test independently, not with the university, so it was more expensive than the last time. If I didn't get 800 this time, I will study and challenge again. And if I got 800 this time, I will be very happy for achieving something great. The result will come out in a month.

Now, after the test, I'm too tired and lazy at home to even think about going to work in an hour.

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Another Item To Buy in the End of the Month

At GoGoRock last night, one of the songs from BGM got my mind. The melody was so beautiful and inspiring that I couldn't resist myslef to ask a waitress for it's title and artist's name. Ths song is called "More Than This" by Roxy Music. Roxy Music is an English rock band founded in early 1970's according to Wkipedia. It's kind of old. But that's probably why I like it. I tend to like music from 70's and 80's both to listen and to sing. I immediately added "More Than This CD" to my must-buy-on-payday list.

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Dinner at Go Go Rock

My friend called and asked me out to dinner at 6 pm.
It was so sudden. Although I knew that she had much expectations of I would say yes, I still had to say no because my wallet has been completely empty since I went Singapore in this summer. She sounded shocked when I refused but she didn't give up. She even said that she would treat me 100% to the dinner. I was a little scared as I wondered what happened to make her want alcohol that much. Anyway, I was in.

Me and Yoshimi met on my previouse part-time job. We used to work together for about 2 years. She's 1 year younger than me and studying to become a nurse. She's just finished her internship at a hospital so she wanted to celebrate it with someone. All of her friends were unavailable on that day so she decided to call me as the final option. She is always too honest with me.

We went to the place called "GoGoRock" which we found on Hot Pepper, the coupon magazine. We went with all-you-can-eat past & pizza course. We ate 3 kinds of pasta and 2 kinds of pizza which made us both too full to move out. It was a bit challenging to eat 3 pasta and 2 pizzas but they all tasted good. The restaurant has unique interior decorations and big TV to show some Hollywood movie. It's a fun place to go.

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Bowling Night

Last night, I went bowling with my new colleague from my new part-time job.
I just started to work part time at the drugstore in the neighborhood last week.
I was a little bit tense at first the atmophere was kind of uncomfortable to me becasue I hadn't talked with anybody at the bowling very much before.

But once we started to play bowling, it was fun and I could interact with my new colleagues.
They are all very friendly and nice.
My score was 100 and 123. I will practice and get better at it.

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My first post

hello. Welcome to my blog.

Summer Vacation TST1 9/26

During summer vacations, I went to visit my sister who lives in Kamakura and one of my friends who lives in Tokyo. It was a week trip. I went to Tokyo first to meet my friend from my high school. We spent 3 years in the same class. I hadn’t seen him for years so I was excited. I had to get to his neighborhood from the airport all by myself. It was a little confusing because there were so many lines of subways and JR. But I made it. He came to pick me up

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