
2-14 "Mulan"

Mulan is a heroine who is acclaimed as the bravest girl in China. She lived in China long time ago. She is said the bravest girl in China because she pretended to be a guy and went to the war to protect her family.

Mulan lived with her younger brother and parents. One day, the Emperor ordered people to send one guy from each family to joing the army to fight in the war. Since Mulan's brother was still a kid, her father had to go to the war. However, he was ill and too old to fight. Mulan decided to go to war as a man. She wore armor and acted and talked like a man. Nobody could tell she was a girl. She join the army and fought with men. She did very good in the fighting so the emperor called her and tried to give her some money but Mulan just asked him to allow her go home. Some time later Mulan came back home, her friend Ye Ming visited her. They met at the war and fought together. He was very surprised when he found out that Mulan was actually a girl. Ye Ming stayed at Mulan's house for a while and he wanted to marry her. Mulan was confused at first but she ended up get married to him. That's the end of the story.

I have watched the movie "Mulan". It's a Diney's animation movie. I liked that movie so I liked this story too. I thought Mulan was very brave. China has a lot of great people.

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Awsome singer!!

Lately I often hear Christmas songs in stores or on street. Christmas is coming next month. I think it’s too early to play those songs everywhere. They also play Christmas songs at the drugstore I work at so I have to hear it everyday for 4 hours. Sometimes it drives me crazy. But there is one song I can put up with. It’s Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You”. I like this song very much. I want to listen to this song again and again. I mean she’s very good at singing. I think she’s a genius. Her voice is very powerful and beautiful. I have her CD called “Emancipation of MIMI” and all the songs in this album are great. Now I don’t listen to it as much as I used to but it’s still my favorite. I’d like to ask all the store managers to play this song only for this Christmas.

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My favorite store

I haven’t shopped lately but there is a favorite store I used to go often. Its name is Satisfaction and it’s located in Kengun. It’s a clothes store and has many good products. The most of the products there are imported especially from Europe. I really like their taste. It fits my style. Kengun is kind of far from my house which is about 30 minutes by car but I still used to go there to buy some clothes. However, I’ve been very poor these days so I haven’t only bought clothes but anything.

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2-13 "The Elephant Man"

The story is set in 19th centry London. This guy was called Elepahnt Man because he was very ugly. His skin was brown and came down. He looked like an elephant. He was usually locked in a store and people could see him for 2 pences. One day, Dr.Hedrick found teh store and got in to see the elepant man. He was very surprised because the elephant man was very ugly. He diceded to take him to his hospital and examin his body.
He coudln't talk well. Dr. Hedrick could bearly understand what he was saying but he could tell he was a nicehearted man. Dr. Hedrick invited him to live in his hospital so that he wouldn't be tretaed as a thing in the store. The doctore let him read many books and meet many people.
In the end, the elepant man died because he dropped from the bed from head. He broke his neck and died alone.

I thought Elephant man is a poor guy. At begging, he was treated so bad in the store. He always missed his mother who he didn't know where is now. I felt he might have a ugly face and body but his heart is very beautiful. First time he was introduced to a girl by Dr. Hedrick, he cried. Every girls who had ever seen him was scared and screamed but this girl shook his hand and smiled so he was very happy. It is very sad he died in the end of the story but I think he was very happy.

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My Summer Memory

5 months ago, I went Malaysia with my friend Dimitri. Dimitri is a French man who lives in Tokyo. One day he invited me to join his journey to Southeast Asia. He lives in Tokyo and I live in Kumamoto, so we decided to meet at the airport Kuala Lumpur. I was very excited because I hadn’t seen him for a while. After we got together at the airport, we headed to Tioman Island. It took about 2 hours from the land by ship. It was a very small beautiful island. Many westerners were there to enjoy their vacations. We sunbathed and swam all day at the beach. The local people were very friendly so we made friends with them. We heard many stories about the island from them. We spent 2 nights there and went back to Kuala Lumpur. In Kuala Lumpur, we went to a temple, aquarium, shopping mall and club. We thoroughly enjoyed the metropolitan entertainments. This trip is one of my most memorable ones in my life. I really want to go back there again, but for Southeast Asian countries, I would also like to visit Thailand and Singapore. There are many places I want to go right now. I wish I were rich.

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Community Life

I have been working part time since I was 18 years old. And I can get connected with communities through working. I haven't been working at the same place all the time. I have changed my part-time job for a couple of times. I'm going to introduce what I have done.

First one, I was in highschool and about to graduate. I had been already finished with the entrance examination of the university and had a plenty of free time after school. So I decided to start, very first time in my life, woking. I chose to work at a restaurant in my neighborhood. It was a Korean restaurant. I was a waiter there. I had to talk and communicate with so many people in one day. I always have to be polite and carefle not to offend customers' feelings no matter how busy I was. It was sometimes very difficult because there were so many different kinds of people with different thoughts. Some people may be upset about things I will never be upset about. Some people could be very sensitive and picky while some people could be very friendly and generous. You have to make every customers satisfied by your service. That's what they said. At first I didn't understand this idea. But I eventually I learned that's about being professional. I worked at the restaurant for 3 years.

The next one, I started it when I was 20. I was still working at the first restaurant but I needed more money so I decided to have two part-time jobs. This one was a horse restaurant. It was located on Shimo-tori. Horse meat dish is onen of Kumamoto's specialities so many people from outside Kumamoto came to the restaurant. There were once costomers from Italy. They saw the home page of the restaurant and came Kumamoto to eat horse meat. They came there 2 nights straight. Horse meat is expensive. People came to the restaurant were rich. I had oppotunities to talk with such rich people and foreigners through this job. It was very interesting.

Now I work part time at a drugstore near my house. It is not restaurant so it is different from what I have done before. I have less opportunites to talk to the customers than the two jobs I had before. I sometimes feel it's boring. But I just started it so maybe I should stay and see for a while.

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Abercimbie & Fitch

I don't want to tell about this brand to many people but I'm going to write about this today because I can't come up with anything else. Still I have to regularly put up something on my blog.

It is called Abercrombie & Fitch. It is an American brand and its branches are located only in USA. It used to be unavailable in Japan unless you take advantage of the "great" internet, but, unfortunately, it's getting popular more and more these days in Japan too. Many stores started to sell A&F goods. I don't know what kind of roots they're getting the products from but it's obvious that's it much easier for people to get A&F goods than it used to be. I see many men and women wear A&F clothes here in Kumamoto too. And I'm not really happy about it. I don't want many people out there even recognize this brand. When I first knew about this brand, I was 17. It was about 5 years ago and before everyone knew much about A&F. I was in USA for high school then and believed I was the only one Japanese who knew and understood the excellence of this brand. Everybody wears it now. Man, women, young, old... not all of them look good in them and I'm sick of seeing such people.

Why I like A&F is firstly its design. It's simple and cool. I like its rich color variations in T-shirts. I also like the fitness to the bodies. It's pretty comfortable. The second reason would be the quality. They use a very comfortable, strong fabric so they last long. The t-shirts from the other brand generally become limp in a year or so but A&F t-shirts are still stiff even after 3 years of wear. Thirdly, I like its style of advertising. They always use pretty male and female models. I like looking at those beautiful and artistic photographs. And finally why I like this brand is its rareness. It was only available in USA so it wasn't so easy to buy A&F for me after I came back from Texas. I wish there were an A&F store in Kumamoto.

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2-12 "King Arthur"

I read "King Arthur" this time. I felt this name was familir to me and he should be a famouse historical person. I wanted to learn about King Arthur.

In 650 in England. There was no king and people were fighting. One day, Merlin the magician made a magic stone and put a sword in it and said "Only the true king can pll out the sword". The person who pulled it out was a very young boy. He was the boy to be King Arthur. Merlin taught him how to be king and after four years, the boy became good, strong king.

One morning, asoldier visited Arthur and informed that the lords from the North are coming to fight him. Arthur went to fight them with his men and won. One of the losing lords from the North invited Arthur to his castle and he met Guinevera, a daughter of the lord. They liked each other and decided to get married. Arthur built a new castle for his future queen.

Merlin had to leave Arthur because his magic was gone. He couldn't help Arthur anymore. Merlin gave Arthur a magic sword and told him not to break it.

After they got married, they met Lancelot, the strongest knight in the country. He became a good friends of theirs.

One night, Morgan, Arthur's half sister and her son Mordred visited Arthur. They stayed in Arthur's castle for weeks. They were very friendly to Arthur and Guinevera. But one night Arthur had a dream about Merlin. He was warned that Mordred was a bad man in athe dream. Guinevera said not to worry but the dream was right. Mordred wanted to kill Arthur and be the next king. He fought him. Lancelot fought with Arthur too. They lost a lot of soldiers. They killed Mordred but Arthur was dead too. Arthur asked Lancelot to take care of Guinevera. Arthur was taken by Merlin and story ended.

So many things happened to King Arthur.

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One of my small pastime

When I have nothing to do and am bored, I have a thing I always do. It is called othello. I can play othello with my mobile phone. I just bought it 2 weeks ago. It's a great resource. I play it when I wait for my friend, or when I just don't have anything to do at home, or when I get bored in a class, or sometimes when I'm eating. Maybe I'm addicted to it. I at least play it 3 times a day.

My former mobile had tetris in it. I used to play it a lot when I'm free. I could keep playing it for like an hour. I was totally addicted to tetris. I was shocked when I had my former mobile broken because I couldnt play tetris anymore. But now I can play othello instead. It's fun to do so it's alright.

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I got the picrures developed

Today I went to pick up my pictures I took in Kamakura and Tokyo. I went there last summer. I went to see many shrines and beaches. One night I went to the party at the beach. There was a music band and people were dancing at the beach. It was really nice. I liked the atmosphere. And the most memorable part was that I saw Takenaka Naoto at the party. He is an actor and often on TV. I didn't get to talk to him but I was excited to see him. I took his picture too. The pictures reminded me many things about the trip.

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"Brave One"

I watched a movie yesterday. Its title is "Brave One". I liked it very much but it made me think.The story is about a woman who lost her boyfriend. Her name is Eryka and her boyfriend was rubbed and killed by thugs in a park. Eryka was with him then so she was also assaulted and sent to hospital. She was unconscious for 3 weeks and when she woke up, her boyfriend had passed already. She was shocked. She didn't know what to do.

Some days later, she bought a gun illegally in Chinatown. She had it in her bag all the time. Another day, she was in a store buying a drink. A guy came in there and shot the woman at the cashier. There was no one else except Eryka in a store. She was surprised and scared at first but she used her gun and killed that guy. She ran away. She felt she became someone else after she killed the guy. She needed to become someone else to get over her boyfriend's death. She started to walk around the city at night and kept killing people. But only bad people. She felt alive by killing bad guys in the city.

There was a cop who investigated the homicides Eryka committed. He knew Eryka before he started to work on the cases. He had no idea who did this murders but he became suspicious more about Eryka as the investigation progressed. In the end He was sure that Eryka did kill those guys and Eryka was trying to kill the thugs who killed her boyfriend. The cop didn't stop or arrest her. He let her kill the guys. And the movie finished.

I thought the ending was very controversial. Some people would think it is wrong to let her go. I think so too. But I enjoyed this movie. It is a good movie.

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An old friend

Today when I was working at the drugstore, I met my friend from junior high. I haven’t met him for along time so I was very surprised and excited. He’s now working and lives alone. I felt that I was juvenile after I talked to him. He wasn’t like he used to be in junior high anymore.

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2-11 "BABE: Pig in the City"

Babe is a clever pig which works as a shepherd. He is very famous in the country. The farm in which Babe and Mr and Mrs Hoggett lives was in danger because they had to pay money for the men from a bank and if they couldn't, they would have to sell the farm. One day, Mr. Hoggett got an offer from someone to show Babe's work at the party. They will pay a lot of money for that. To save the farm, Babe went to the city with Mrs. Hoggett.

Mrs. Hoggett was misunderstood that she was carrying the drung at the airport so she had to stay in the little room with a detective and missed the next plane. She and Babe couldn't get to the city they wanted to go.

They looked for a hotel and found the Flealands Hotel. In that hotel, many animals lived. They were abondoned animals. There were chimpanzees, dogs, cats, and monkeys. Nobody knew that they were there.

I thought it was a funny story. So many different animals and happenings. Baby is very cute.

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I've caught a cold

When I woke up today, my throat hurt so bad. I gargled with the medicine but I still don't feel good. My voice sounds different. It's kind of stuffed and deeper. I actually prefer this voice to my usual voice. I cough a bit so I've been wearing a mask today. Mask is very different from what it used to be. I haven't worn it long time and didn't know that. It is much bigger as it can cover the whole part of your chin and more comfortable. You won't suffocate at all. It was a little surprising. I wanted to sleep and rest all day but I had 2 classes in the morning.

The best treatment to cold is to eat well and sleep well. I ate a lot but I haven't slept much. I'm going to have to work in the evening. I hope it won't get worse. Now it's afternoon so I'm going to sleep for a while before work.

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2-10 "The Death of Karen Silkwood"

This story is based on a true story. In the beginning of the book, it says "A fictional story has an ending, but a true story does not". I think it's so true. I had never had this idea about a true story and a fictional story.

Karen started to work at the nuclear factory. They take care of fuel rods and uranium at the factory. People are all wearing white gloves. There is a scanner at the factory. The workers have to check their hands in front of the scanner.

One day, when Karen's friend Susan checked her hands in front of the scanner, the alarm went off. Guys white coats came out of a laboratory room and took her to somewhere. Karen followed them. She saw Susan had no clothes on and the men were showering her. Susan was screaming. The shower hit Susan so strongly.

After Karen saw that happened, she began to think it's dangerous to work there. Karen asked Pete, one of the Union leaders for help. He told Susan to collect the evidence. She sneaked into the photography room and stole some negatives. She kept them in her house.

That day, Karen was taking the negatives to Pete. However, she never arrived at the place she was supposed to meet him. Karen's car was found on its side by the bridge. It was crashed into the bridge wall. She was found dead in it. Pete looked for the brown envelop that contains the negatives but it wasn't there. They never found it.

I thought this story was a little scary because it is based on a true story in Oklahoma. I wonder if she was killed by somebody. If so, it is very bad. I also wonder if the factory still exists. The story is made into a movie so I'd like to watch it.

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2-09 "The Ransom of Red Chief"

I didn’t know what ransom meant. I looked up my dictionary and now I know what the word means. It means money that is paid to somebody to release a person who is being kept as a hostage. This book is about two men who try to get ransom by kidnapping a son of the richest man in town, Mr. Dorset.
Bill and Sam are in town and have only 200 dollars. They come up with kidnapping the son of Mr. Dorset, the richest man in town. But Mr. Dorset’s son, Johnny is a lot of trouble. When they catch Johnny, he resisted strongly. Johnny likes fighting very much. He says his name is Red Chief, not Johnny. Bill and Sam have a hard time taking care of Johnny because he is very perky and strong. They want to let him go as soon as possible. They write a letter to Mr. Dorset requesting the ransom. But Mr. Dorset turns down their request. Mr. Dorset writes them back requesting Bill and Sam paying 200 dollars to Mr. Dorset so that they can bring Johnny home and escape from him. Bill and Sam don’t want to pay him 200 dollars but they don’t want to be with Johnny even more. So they decide to escape from Johnny paying 200 dollars.
I thought this story was funny. They wanted lots of money but ended up paying some to ransom’s father. They picked wrong one. I hope they will succeed next time.
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2-08 "Give us the Money"

Adam Grey works in a bank. He doesn’t like his job and doesn’t like Mr. Smith, his boss. One morning, Mrs. B tells Adam his horoscope. She says “Do something different today”. So Adam turns right at the corner he usually turns left. Suddenly, he sees something. A girl is being rubbed. He tackles the robber and runs with the girl. But it is actually a movie shooting.
At the same time, at the bank Adam works, real robbery is happening. They take bank’s money and run away. At a corner, they bump into Adam wand the girl. They mistake each other’s bags as theirs and don’t notice it. In Adam’s bag there is a lot of money, and the robber’s bag, there are pieces of news papers for movie shooting.
The robbers get angry and go to chase Adam. Adam and the girl run. The girl is an actress and she calls the movie director for help. The director goes rescue her and Adam with a camera. He shot the car chase of Adam and the robbers.
In the end, Adam and the girl are safe and police get the robbers. One of the robbers is surprisingly Adam’s boss, Mr. Smith. He goes to the bank but gets fired because he is late for work. But he is fine because the director asks him to star in his next movie. He will be a movie star.

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"Toy Story"

“Toy Story” is an animated movie produced by Pixar. It is the first movie with everything is in CG animation. The main characters are toys. Woody is a stuffed cowboy and Buzz is a spaceman figure. And there are many other various kinds of toys appear in the movie which move and talk vividly. Tom Hanks plays Woody’s voice and Buzz is played by Tim Allen. They are both American actors. The director is John A. Lasseter who is also the director of “toy Story 2” and “Cars” which are made afterwards.

Woody has been Andy’s most favorite toys among many toys he has. All of Andy’s toys move and speak only when Andy is out of the room. Woody is also the leader of other toys. They are Mr. Potato Head, Hamm the piggy bank, Bo Peep the ceramic girl doll, Slinky the spring dog, Alex the dinosaur figure and some other. But Andy always plays with Woody.
On Andy’s birthday, he gets the new toy. It is Buzz. Buzz becomes Andy’s new favorite toy instead of Woody, so Woody doesn’t like Buzz. Buzz thinks he’s a space ranger and has a mission to beat his enemy. He is not aware of that he’s a toy. Woody tries to kick Buzz out. One day, the accident happened. Woody and Buzz fell out of the window of Andy’s room. They didn’t die but had to manage themselves to go back Andy’s room because the other toys thought they were dead and couldn’t help.

Next Andy’s house, a boy named Sid lives. Sid also has many toys too. But he enjoys breaking them. Unluckily, Woody and Buzz were found and taken home by Sid. They were taken into Sid’s room and met many creepy broken toys. They were cut apart and converted by Sid. Woody though they he and Buzz would be one of them. But they were actually nice and cooperative to Woody and supported them to escape from Sid’s house.

Andy’s family was moving to a different place. Andy thought he lost Woody and Buzz. He was very sad but Woody and Buzz made it to come back to Andy. They got on the truck leaving from Andy’s house in the end of the movie. All the other toys were there too.

I thought this movie was really fun to watch. I had watched it twice before but still totally enjoyed it. I liked that Buzz misunderstood that he was a real space ranger at first. He is a hilarious character. I think whoever made this movie is such an innovative idea man.

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I went to movie today. I watched "Hairspray". It's musical. It's fun and energetic and lots of dancing and singing. I really liked it. I felt like I wanna dance after the movie.
I was surprisd to see John Travolta played a mother. He dressed like a woman and he(she) sang and danced in the movie. It was a little creepy for me at first but I became used to it. He was good.

The story about a girl who is passionate about singing and dancing. She dreams about being on the TV show she watches every week. She auditioned for the show and her dream came true. She's fat but she can dance and sing very well.

I think everybody would like this movie. I recommend you watch it too.

[140 words]



Fall Semester Essays

[+ links]





5th essay


6th essay




¶: number of paragraphs three or more sentences in length
W: number of words
C: number of comments
L: number of links
P: number of photos or other graphics
M: number of other media included

"Culture" TypingSpeedTrial

What I like about Japanese culture is that it’s deeply related to the seasons. We have different events in each season. In spring, we have cherry blossoms bloom and they are very beautiful. Japanese like to eat and drink under cheery blossom trees. And that is called ohanami. In summer, we have fire works and lots of festivals. We have many stands on the street selling the foods such as takoyaki and apple candy. Summer festivals in Japan are very exciting. Many people, especially women wear yukata which is Japanese traditional cloths to festivals. In fall, at school, we have
[100 words]


Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my friend's birthday so we had a little party tonight. She became 23 and she's one year older than me. She lives on her own so we gathered at her place. We actually wanted to do yesterday but she was busy with work. It was such a small party with 3 people but we three get together on and off and are very good friends.

After class, I went to KFC and bought fried chickens took them to the party. The other one brought cakes. They were really good. We toasted with non-alcohol wine since we had to drive after the party. We also had presents for her. I gave her a harmonica. Once she said she wanted it and I remembered that. She looked happy to receive it. The other friend gave her something interesting. It goes into the bath tub when you take a bath and it melts in the water. The water will be colored and smell good. I don't know what it's called in English but she looked happy to recieve that too.

After we ate, we watched TV together for a while and relax. At 11 pm we left her home. It was a small party but it was very fun. I like hanging out with my friends.

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2-07 "Sindbad"

I decided to read "Sindbad" because when I picked up this book in the library, I got interested by that title as I thought I have heard that name before. I knew the name "Sindbad" but I didn't even know if it was a man or woman, or even a person or a thing. However, since there was a picture of a man with turban on its cover, I could guess Sindbad was a man.

Sindbad is a young man who lives in Baghdad. The story starts off with the death of his father. He left lots of money for his son so Sindbad becomes rich. But Sindbad uses it all soon and is in debts to many people. Therefore, he decides to go sail and earn money. He goes sailing to different countries many times in the book. And it's about those adventures searching for money and treasures all over the world.

First, Sindbad arrives in an island. There, he finds lot of jewls. But it was a snare of huge snakes. He was almost eaten by snakes but survived and goes back to his home. He paid all the debts by the jewels. Some time later, he wants to go sailing again. For the second time, he arrived in an island where cannibals live in. He is caught by them and his sailors were eaten by cannibals. But Sindbad could escape from the cage and ran to another country. He met a daughter of the king of the country. He liked her and married her. But she died for illness a year later. In the country, husbands have to be buried with their wives even if they were still alive. So Sindbad was in the grave alive with his dead wife and lots of treasures. He dug a hole and escape from the grave.

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It was very cold today. I wanted to go to onsen so I went to the public bath. It wasn't a real onsen but still good to be in the big baths. It's only 360 yen so I sometimes go to the bath.

When I go to public bath, I get in sauna bath. I watch TV in there and stayed about 10 minutes each time. It's very hot and you sweat a lot but it feels great after you get out. I repeat getting in and out of sauna at least twice. Right after I get out of the sauna, I jump into the cold water. You have to be a little brave because it's extremely cold. I also like roten buro. Roten buro is a bath outside. I can relax and feel time passes so slowly.

I ofcourse tried both today. And I felt relaxed and great after I got out. I drank a cup of drink and went home.

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Piko's talk show

It was the second day of the school festival today. I went to the talk show with my friends. Piko came to KGU to have a talk show. It was all free so I wanted to go.

Piko is a fashion critic. She apears on TV very often. She's so funny when she's on variety shows. I like seeing famous people. We had to wait for about an hour till the hall was opened. It was chilly outside. Then we entered the place and waited for another 30 minutes inside. After 30 minutes, she finally showed up. She looked exactly same as on TV. I thought she was cool.

Although I thought she would talk about fashion since she's a fashion critic, she mainly talked about her life. She lost her sight of her right eye long time ago because of this difficult ill. It changed her. Her friends were very supportive for her and she thought she had to do something for others too after she recovered. She also said the important thing is not what you wear. She said the clothes are just decoration.

Her story was very interesting. I totally agreed with her. I think I want to do something to help other people. And no matter how beautiful clothes you wear, if you didn't have a good personality, it's not beautiful. And it's important to pick what you're good in.

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New Phone

I bought a new mobile today. The one I was using was pretty old. I was using it for more than three years. It finally broke last week so I decided to buy new one.

I went to the Docomo shop near my house. There were many kinds. I didn't know much about mobile phones so I wasn't sure which one to buy. It seemed each phone had different extra functions but I went with the design. I just picked the one I thought looked the best.

What I bought is P704. It is very thin. Its color is gold and I think i like it. It wasn't cheap so I want to use it as long as possible.

[119 words]


"Notes on a Scandal"

Today is “Movie Day” so you can watch movie only by 1000 yen. So I went to watch “Notes on a Scandal”. The movie is about a lonely frustrated lunatic old female teacher who has no friends. It might sound not interesting you but it is actually a very good movie. It’s a bit scary though. I recommend you watch it too!

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My grandmother's in the hospital

My grandmother got into the hospital today. She will stay there for a while. It isn't the first time for her to stay in the hospital. She was in the hospital last year too. And after she came back she still went there regularly. She has had a problem with her bones. Lately she got really bad. Her bones are very weak so that she should be taken care in the hospital. She often complained of pains in her back and hip. I helped my mother to take her things to the hospital. I think it is better for her to be in the hospital than home because they have a good environment for cure. I hope she will get better soon.

[122 words]