
Learning with Computers

Computer is a very useful tool for us to do whatever you do. You can do many things with computers. You can write an essay, or you can draw a graph, or you can listen to music, or you can watch a movie and of course, you can learn with computers. Computer is now one of the necessary things to learn with. Lately they teach kids how to use computers in elementary school. It's getting important more and more to be able to use computers mainly for students to learn.

Computers are very useful when I write an essay for class so I use computers a lot for assignments. But you need some skills to write essays with computers. Before I started to learn with computers, I couldn't type as fast as I do today. I had known how to type but I used to type so slowly. Now I use computers almost everyday. It doesn’t take so much for me to write with computers. There is a proper way to write an essay and I didn’t know that before. After I wrote with computers, I didn't check for typos or grammar mistakes. Teacher once gave me back my paper with a lot of red marks and taught me how to check for typos and grammar mistakes. Now I make sure that I don’t have any typos or grammar mistakes on my essay every time after I finish writing them. I just didn’t know that it was very easy to do with computers. Nevertheless to say, editing is also much easier when you write an essay with computers than when you handwrite it. It’s troublesome to use an eraser and rewrite paragraphs with a pen, but with computers, you can do it all by dragging clicking. It takes only a few seconds. That’s what I like the most about writing essays with computers.

I had never written blogs before I took Writing IV. For Writing IV, I had to take write something on my blog almost everyday. I had never done it before. To be honest, I was pretty lazy to write blogs everyday at first. It is just like taking diaries. I thought I couldn’t do it at first. I wasn’t good at keep doing the same thing everyday. I didn’t want to do that even for the credit. But as I tried to keep writing it, I became used to it. Whenever something good or bad or extraordinary happened to me in life, I thought “I’m gonna write about this on the blog”. Blog became a part of my life. As a matter of fact, I now enjoy writing blogs very much. I also enjoy attaching the pictures on the blog. After I write a post of the day, I go on to the internet and look for a picture. Blog can look much better by decorating with pictures. When you keep taking diaries on blog, there will be many posts. To organize them, you should label each post so that the posts will be classified in categories and it’s easy to read or find a post you want to read or edit.

The internet is something helpful for us. If you wanted to know about something, you can search for the information on the internet and mostly you can find what you want. There is an internet site called Wikipedia. Wikipedia is an online dictionary where you can find various kinds of information. Besides Wikipedia, you can discover so many things if you use the internet. By using the internet, you can communicate with people all over the world. If you install a messenger into your computer, you can chat with people far away. You can exchange opinions or make friends with people anywhere on the earth. You can know what is happening in other countries by using the internet. It broadens your perspective. I have a messenger installed into my computer and I chat with my friends in Canada one and off. It’s very fun and easy. I feel them very close to me even though they’re across the Pacific Ocean.

I think computers help you learn better. It provides you with a lot of things. You can write essays much easier than you do with your own hand and the typed sentences look better. You can learn many things from the internet. And the internet gives you the opportunity to experience other worlds in your room. You can even talk to the people on the other side of the planet. So I think computers are very important.
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