
2-16 "Star Reporter"

One day, Steve heard from his friend that there was a new girl in town and he was excited. His father is an editor and always looking for interesting news. He tells his son to find something interesting to write on the newspaper about.
Steve went out. He saw a girl at a supermarket. He wondered who she was. After that, wherever he went, he saw that girl. She has a camera on her all the time and seems to be trying to take some interesting pictures.
Later that day, he heard from his neighbor that Bud Ritchie was back in town. Bud is a writer and used to live in this town. Steve thought about visiting and intervewing him for his father’s newspaper. He went to Bud’s house and asked him questions. When Bud was talking about his experiences, he found a cat on the tree and she couldn’t get off. He climbed the tree and tried to help her but he fell off the tree into the water and got wet. Then, the girl was there taking Steve’s picture. The girl was Bud’s daughter Marietta. Steve and Marietta became friends and the picture of Steve was on the newspaper.

I thought Steve was a nice guy. He works hard for his father. He climbs a tree to help a cat and ends up fall. He doesn’t complain about his embarrassing picture was on the newspaper.

[237 words]

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