
My Monday

I had a very busy day yesterday so that I couldn't add a text to my blog before the date changed. On Mondays I take 4 classes which is the most in a week. The first one started at 10:40 and I consecutively have three more classes after that. I have German, Current Event, Japanese Writing and the most interesting is Nihonjijo Tokko which is tha last of the day. It is basically for foreign students but is still open to some Japanese weirdos like me. English was spoken the whole time in the class so being in the class makes me feel like I'm studying abroad. I took this class because I was curious what kind of things foreign students study at my university and how our culture is introduced to them. Yesterday we had Tomei sensei present Japanese martial arts. I thought I would know everything he would say or show in the class but there were actually many many things I didn't know so it was very interesting.
After school, I had to go work. I usually have dayoff on Mondays because I have the most class on Mondays but yesterday, because they didn't have enough people, they asked to me come and help. I didn't say no because I want to make as much money as posssible. I went straoght to work from university and I worked for 6:30 to 9:00.
I was exsausted when I got home so I had dinner and took shower and went to bed quickly.

[254 words]

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